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2010 One Book One Nebraska: Are you reading The Home Place?
One Book One Nebraska 2010 invites citizens across the state to read The Home Place, by Wright Morris, a native of Central City, Nebraska. This “photo-text” is an account in first-person narrative and photographs of the one-day visit of Clyde Muncy to “the home place” at Lone Tree, Nebraska.
We know that library involvement is the key to success of our Nebraska statewide reading efforts. We also know that the staff and volunteers of Nebraska public libraries are very busy with a variety of library services and reading promotion activities. We continue to request your input into the resources and tools that can help libraries bring communities together through literature by hosting reading and discussion activities.
Is your library interested in celebrating One Book One Nebraska 2010 by reading The Home Place by Wright Morris? Please take a look and the Website, comment below with suggestions and ideas for tools that might help you with reading/discussion activities and other events.
Thanks, Mary Jo Ryan
Also, be sure to visit the Center for the Book’s Facebook fan page at to add your suggestions for One Book programming at the 2010 Nebraska Book Festival.
AND, join the One Book One Nebraska Facebook group to join others in talking about what you are reading.
The Museum of Nebraska Art has an exhibition regarding Wright Morris, “They Spoke to Me, or Did Not Speak:” Wright Morris’s Images of America, April 20 – July 26, 2010. More information is available at