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Is Fall Career Fair Time in your Community?
When students are thinking about careers, do they entertain the idea of becoming a librarian or media specialist? We are looking for librarians, media specialists, career counselors, library supporters, and others who would like to staff exhibits at local career fairs to help young people think of library careers when they plan for their future. The Nebraska Library Commission project, “Recruiting the Next Generation of Nebraska Librarians @ the movies,” is funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services Librarians for the 21st Century initiative to increase the number of qualified professionals and recruit future librarians for employment in Nebraska libraries. It is designed to attract promising high school and college students to the profession.
Would you like to help by sharing your story and the joy you find in your work? If you would like to help with this effort, contact the Nebraska Library Commission now to reserve a recruiting kit. The kit includes everything needed to set up a display at a career fair: a poster with tear-off return cards and tripod, print materials, pencils, and a DVD of a sixty-second PSA that can be played on a laptop continuous loop. We also have materials suitable for a small counter display.For information or to reserve a recruiting kit, contact Mary Jo Ryan, Nebraska Library Commission Communications Coordinator, 402-471-4002, 800-307-2665; e-mail: Mary Jo Ryan.
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