Rosen Publishing is offering Nebraska libraries trial access to several databases and eBook sets, beginning February 1 and running through March 15, 2017.
Databases available for trial include:
- Teen Health & Wellness (Grades 7-12) — The award-winning Teen Health & Wellness database provides middle and high school students, with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular, and self-help support. opics covered include diseases; drugs; alcohol; sex & sexuality; nutrition; mental health; suicide; bullying; LGBTQ issues; skills for school, work, and life; and more. Updated for 2016, Teen Health & Wellness features new content on bullying/cyberbullying, concussions, gender identity, human trafficking, social media, and more.
- PowerKnowledge Life Sciences (Grades 3-6+) — Covers key life science topics: animals, classification, endangered and extinct species, food chains and webs, green living, habitats and ecosystems, the human body, life cycles, plants, survival and adaptation.
- PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science (Grades 3-6+) — Covers key earth and space science topics: earth cycles, ecosystems and biomes, energy and matter, landforms, maps, natural disasters, rocks and minerals, environmental issues, space, water, weather and climate.
- PowerKnowledge Physical Science (Grades 3-6+) — Covers key physical science topics, including atoms and molecules, elements and the periodic table, energy and matter, force and motion, and temperature and measurement.
Interactive eBook sets available for trial include:
Trial access instructions (URLs, usernames, passwords) were distributed via a January 31, 2017 message to the Trial mailing list. Nebraska librarians who didn’t receive this information, or who would like to have it sent to them again, may contact
Susan Knisely.
*** Note: Not all trial announcements are posted to this blog. If you are a Nebraska librarian and you’d like to receive future database trial announcements directly in your inbox, please make sure you are signed up for the Nebraska Library Commission’s Trial mailing list.