I’ve gotten a lot of questions about web hosting options for libraries recently. Many of you use Nebraska Libraries on the Web, the free WordPress hosting offered by the Nebraska Library Commission. That’s delightful, and I’m all for it! I may be slightly biased there. You know why.
But hosting through us does have a few limitations for customization and feature options. So I like to keep options open for libraries who want a little more customization or control over their website feature choices.
This particular post is about LibChalk, a web hosting service designed by and for librarians and academic institutions that’s been around for about 30 years. The pricing is pretty reasonable with a basic site at $25/month. There are other pricing plans available. They can get you set up with a WordPress installation and access to some premium templates to make setup fast and easy.
They also help with site migration if you’ve already got a website up and running somewhere else and want to switch over smoothly. Since they do work with all flavors of education, they can also help you set up a learning platform on your site. If you’re so inclined.
So far they’re the only hosting service I’ve come across that is built by librarians for librarians, so that was cool too. Check out Libchalk’s website, or email Brian Pichman bpichman@evolveproject.org for more info, or to get set up.
If Brian’s name sounds familiar I’m not surprised. He’s been on a library circuit at conferences, webinars, Bywater Solutions, and elsewhere for a while now. I’ve known him for a while too, which is how I found out about LibChalk. I was surprised I hadn’t heard of it sooner, so I’m sharing it with you all now as well.