Friday Reads: “Red Sonja: Consumed” by Gail Simone

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’ve picked something red for this week’s Friday Reads: Gail Simone’s debut novel, Red Sonja: Consumed.

But, Sonja’s flowing red hair is really the only thing this book has in common with the day. While there are romantic relationships in this story, it’s definitely not a romance novel. Far from it. This is a beautifully written, classic sword and sorcery tale.

Full disclosure: Gail Simone is my favorite comic book writer. I will read anything she writes. From Wonder Woman to Secret Six to Batgirl to Uncanny X-Men, and yes, Red Sonja, I haven’t been disappointed yet. She is well-known for reimagining established characters by telling insightful, deep stories with strokes of humor and some surprises.

That same writing style comes through in Red Sonja: Consumed.

With the flashbacks to Sonja’s past, and her tragic childhood, Simone creates a riveting character study of grief, loss, and overcoming immense hardship. The adult Sonja must travel back to her homeland of Hyrkania, to stop an unknown evil that is attacking her people. She is brash, snarky, and thoroughly enjoys every fight she gets herself into. And her warhorse, Sunder, is the best sidekick, fighting right there by her side.

The first half of the novel gradually sets up the exciting second half. It may feel like things are moving along too slowly, but when everything comes together later on, it’s totally worth it.

Yes, there are violent scenes and bloody battles. Oh, look at that. More red! 😉 What do you expect from the She-Devil with a Sword? But, that’s not all. Ultimately, Red Sonja: Consumed is a fun, fierce tale – full of intrigue, action, magic, and monsters.

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