Join us on NCompass Live next Wednesday, July 1 at 10am CT, for ‘Nebraska Libraries in the Time of COVID: Planning for Reopening’.

Public libraries are major hubs of activity in our communities, so staff must take extra precautions when they start offering more in-person services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join us to hear what ‘reopening’ looks like in some Nebraska libraries. Library staff will share their planning processes, strategies, experiences so far, and lessons learned as they ensure that their libraries are safe for both their staff and patrons.
Presenters: Cecelia Lawrence, Director,
North Platte Public Library; Steve Fosselman, Director and Celine Swan, Youth Services Librarian,
Grand Island Public Library; Denise Harders, Director,
Central Plains Library System.
Upcoming NCompass Live shows:
- July 8 – Here’s What Python Does for Us: What Can it Do for Your Library?
- July 15 – The Taming of the Site: Helping Users Find What They Need Where They Expect It
- July 22 – Creating Accessible Materials for Library Instruction
- July 29 – Pretty Sweet Tech
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the
NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the
Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the
NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.