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Over $3.5 Million in E-rate Funding Awarded to Nebraska Schools and Libraries
On May 9, USAC released the first Wave of Funding Commitment Decision Letters (FCDLs) for E-rate Funding Year 2020. Wave 1 includes $3,573,213.39 in funding commitments for 229 Nebraska school and library applicants.
Congratulations to all Nebraska schools and libraries who have been funded! A list of libraries who have received E-rate funding is on the NLC E-rate webpage. The 2020 list will be updated as new funding waves are announced.
When your library’s FCDL is ready, it will be attached as a printable PDF to the email notifying you that your FCDL has been issued. It will also be available in the Notifications section of your EPC account, but you are no longer required to log into your EPC account to view it.
As soon as you receive your FCDL, you can go on to the next step in the E-rate process, filing your Form 486. This form is submitted in your EPC account. Information and instructions on how to do that can be found on the USAC website.
If you haven’t received your FCDL yet, don’t panic! There are many more weekly Waves to come as USAC processes more applications. This is just the start of Funding Year 2020, more approvals are coming.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with your E-rate forms, visit the NLC E-rate webpage or contact Christa Porter, 800-307-2665, 402-471-3107.
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