Join us for the next FREE NCompass Live webinar, ‘Information Literacy and the ESL/ELL Student: Alleviating Library Anxiety’ on Wednesday, January 23, 10:00am – 11:00am CT.
Through a group active learning activity, and discussion presenters will help attendees empathize with ESL/ELL students’ anxieties about academic libraries, language, and jargon. Grounded in academic research, presenters will then cover how library anxiety specifically affects the ESL/ELL population and describe strategies library staff can take to ameliorate this anxiety. Presenters will also detail how existing information literacy teaching materials were adapted and augmented to address this student population’s specific needs. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the specific needs of the ESL/ELL population and have gained knowledge of specific strategies to employ in their own practice.
Presenters: Claire Chamley, Reference Associate, Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Erin Painter, Creativity Library Manger, KANEKO-UNO Library, University of Nebraska, Omaha.
Upcoming NCompass Live events:
- Feb. 6 – You Make Me Want To Break Out
- Feb. 13 – What in the World is Emerging Technology?
- Feb. 20 – Crafting Relevant Community Partnerships Using Archives
- Feb. 27 – Future Ready Nebraska and the Digital Learning and Ed Tech Plan
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the
NCompass Live webpage.
NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the
Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the
NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.