“Romance fiction is the behemoth of the publishing industry; it outsells mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy combined. Yet no filmmaker has ever taken an honest look at the global community romance writers and readers have built – until now. This funny and inspiring look into a billion-dollar industry turns up trailblazers who’ve found fortunes and fulfillment in romance, who are on the front lines of a revolutionary power shift in publishing. Creating online empires and inventing new markets are authors like pioneer of African American romance Beverly Jenkins, Shakespeare professor and romance rockstar Eloisa James, surgeon and lesbian romance legend Len Barot, and the incomparable Nora Roberts. For three years, we follow the lives of five published romance authors and one unpublished newbie as they build their businesses, find and lose loved ones, cope with upheaval, and earn a living doing what they love. In the process, we discover a global storytelling sisterhood. Love Between the Covers takes us into one of the few spaces where strong female characters are always center stage, where justice prevails in every book, and the broad spectrum of desires of women from all backgrounds are not feared, but explored unapologetically.” — amazon.com
Please feel free to contact us to borrow this DVD. In the spirit of celebrating romance, here are some lists of librarian romances that I think are worth highlighting – happy love in the library! 30 Tales of Librarians in Love http://www.booklistreader.com/2016/09/01/romance/30-tales-of-librarians-in-love/ Bookshelf Babes and Hardcover Heroes: Favorite Librarians in Romance http://www.heroesandheartbreakers.com/blogs/2012/09/bookshelf-babes-and-hardcover-heroes-favorite-librarians-in-romance Librarian Romance: http://wendythesuperlibrarian.blogspot.com/p/librarians-in-romance-novels.html Love in the Library – Reader Roundup with Amy Alessio http://romanceuniversity.org/2014/02/22/love-in-the-library-reader-roundup-with-amy-alessio/ A Mega-List of Lovely, Lusty Librarian Romance http://www.booklistreader.com/2016/09/30/romance/a-mega-list-of-lovely-lusty-librarian-romance/ Romance Books about Librarians and Archivists: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/31771.Romance_Books_about_Librarians_and_Archivists