Thursday, December 8, 2016, 10-11 am CT (1 hour webinar on Dec. 8th with class continuing online via Moodle)
Registration is required:
This class is designed for public, elementary and secondary school library staff, teachers, nurses, and counselors. The hands-on class will present an overview of health information needs of teenagers and their information seeking behaviors; review communication skills needed during reference interviews with teenagers; and explore credible health information resources that are designed for teens. This course is approved for 3 MLA CE credits and qualifies for the MLA Consumer Health Information Specialization certificate. Attendees must complete both the webinar and the Moodle portion of the class to receive the CEs.
Interested in pursuing the Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) certificate? This certification is open to all librarians. Classes are free, and there is a fee to apply for the certificate. The NN/LM MidContinental Region does provide funding to cover the certificate application fee. For more information, visit:
Christian Minter, MLIS
Nebraska Outreach/Education Coordinator
National Network of Libraries of Medicine | MidContinental Region
McGoogan Library of Medicine | 986705 Nebraska Medical Center | Omaha, NE 68198-6705
402-559-7226 | |