Andre the Giant: Life and Legend by Box Brown is graphic nonfiction, a biography of Andre Roussimoff told in graphic novel format with black, white, and grey art. I picked this up wondering both about Andre’s life and how the author/illustrator would choose to present it. Brown opens with a three-page explanation of professional wrestling as it was during Andre’s time in the World Wrestling Federation.
Andre had gigantism, the result of an excessive production of growth hormone during his childhood. During his adult life Andre suffered pain, his brow became more pronounced, his joints were affected, and he had back surgery to ease his pain. He was presented as a kind and considerate person, but he could get upset at times and not many people wanted to push the point with him. Not surprising, I also learned that Andre enjoyed drinking and partying. While reading about specific wrestling matches and heavy drinking is not my usual reading choice, I also learned about his life, how tired he became of people gawking at him, and the difficulties of being so large.
This title will appeal to older teen and adult fans of wrestling, graphic novels, and of “The Princess Bride.”