My husband and I recently saw the movie based on this book, which we enjoyed though there are certainly some tough things the author went through in her life. The film did leave us with some questions and when we saw a paperback copy at the bookstore we both immediately wanted to buy it to learn more about her experiences. I have always been intrigued by long distance endurance hikes, such as the Appalachian Trail, and this story and trail also caught my attention.
I am closing in on the halfway mark on the book. It has answered a few questions already, and given me a look at what is involved in succeeding with challenge of this nature, as well as the impact it had on the author’s life. I did enjoy occasional backpack trips in the Rocky Mountain National Park when I lived in Colorado, but those were only one or two nights. This is, of course, an entirely different level of hiking.
The book does some jumping back and forth between her hike on the Pacific Crest Trail and the things in the author’s past that sent her to the trail. Readers may be astounded at times at her lack of preparedness, but will likely want to know more about her experience, as I do. I will emphasize that this is an adult book, since I am known for reading books for children and teens, and is one I am eager to finish.