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500 Libraries Coast-to-Cost to provide Financial Literacy Programming During Money Smart Week @ your library®, April 20-27
Five hundred libraries, of all types, will be helping their communities become money smart, April 5-12. Money Smart Week @ your library® is a partnership initiative between the American Library Association and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to expand Money Smart Week® to libraries across the country. Nebraska libraries are invited to join them in presenting programs related to personal financial literacy for all ages, and all stages, of life. Libraries are partnering with community groups, financial institutions, government agencies, educational organizations, and other financial experts to help library customers learn to better manage their personal finances. General topic areas range from “Credit and Debt Management,” to “Kid’s and Money,” to “Retirement Planning,” to “Savvy Shopping and Bargain Hunting.”
Volusia County Library System’s Ormond Beach branch will present “Dressing On A Dime—shopping tips from the second hand clothing world—learn how recycling & repurposing thrift store fashions can save money.” Marshall Public Library in Pocatello (ID) has teamed up with the police department to present “Scams, Cons, and Frauds: How to Protect Yourself and Your Money,” with the Pocatello Police Department offering instruction to older library customers on how to protect themselves from financial scams and frauds. Bristol Public Library (CT) is planning a session on “Taking Control: A Financial Planning Starter Kit” to help library customers learn the eight steps for taking control of their finances through budgeting, spending plans, setting goals, managing debt, and more. The Iberia Parish workshop, “Home Buying and Financing 101: What Inside Tips You Need To Know,” will bring library customers together with area experts in real estate to discuss different types of loans and lender advantages. Floyd J. Robinson Memorial Library in Raleigh (MS) will host “Helping Your Money Last in Retirement,” a workshop on ways to make money last in retirement and the challenges ahead for retirees. The Chester Fritz Library at the University of North Dakota is hosting a program for faculty, students, and staff on “Money Smart–Understanding Credit Scores and Cash Tiers.” For some communities, offering programs in languages other than English is important. Kern County Library (CA) has a session on “Curso Bancario Basico,” and Pima County Library (AZ) will be providing homebuyer education with “Aprende el Proceso de Comprar Casa.”
Money Smart Week @ your library® information and resources for Nebraska libraries can be found at Money Smart Week® or contact:
Michael Dowling,
International and Chapter Relations Offices
American Library Association
50 E Huron St
Chicago, IL, USA
p +1 800-545-2433 ext. 3200
f +1 312-280-4392