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Nebraska Libraries Invited to Promote April 5-12: Money Smart Week®
Money Smart Week® is a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. This is achieved through the collaboration and coordinated effort of hundreds of organizations across the country including businesses, financial institutions, schools, libraries, not-for-profits, government agencies and the media. These groups come together once a year to stress the importance of financial literacy, inform consumers about where they can get help, and provide free educational seminars and activities throughout the week. The participation of Nebraska libraries is critical to the success of this effort.
Programming is offered to all demographics and income levels and can cover any facet of personal finance—from establishing a budget, to first time home buying, to estate planning. The effort was created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002. Money Smart Week partners will be hosting events during April 5 – 12, the week immediately prior to National Library Week.The Money Smart Week partner registration page is now open. (If your library participated and registered last year you don’t need to re-register). Please take a few minutes to get registered. Use the link below and scroll down the page to the Partner Registration Section ‘Step 3-Ready to Register? Click Here’ (Make sure you select ‘library’ as your organization type when you register) at
The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has included logos and other promotional material that you can download for free to use at For states or regions where a statewide coalition has been created, specific logos are available. Also included are the Money Smart Week @ your library logos, posters, etc. The signage poster is still from last year but will be updated soon. This year there are also posters with space included to allow you to add your programs, name, etc.
For those who would like to purchase bookmarks or posters ALA is offering, for purchase, bookmarks and posters to help you promote Money Smart Week @ your library. The cost for a pack of 250 bookmarks is $10 (plus $7 shipping) and 24” X 36” posters are also $10 (plus $7 shipping). Please place your orders by February 7. They will be printed and distributed the first week of March, a month before MSW.