Join the Nebraska Dewey Group Purchase and save money on the print and web versions of the DDC!
Dewey in Print
The Nebraska Dewey Group includes the print versions of the Abridged Edition 15 (1 volume) and the 23rd edition of the unabridged Dewey Decimal Classification (4 volumes).

OCLC is offering 10% off of the original price on the DDC in print.
If your library is interested in ordering the DDC in print, you will find Pricing information on the online Book Order Form.
For more information about the DDC, please visit
Dewey Services.
Dewey on the Web
Now your library can benefit from web-based access to an enhanced version of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) database through
WebDewey. OCLC is offering a discounted price to users who join the Nebraska Dewey Group.

WebDewey is the web-based, enhanced version of the unabridged and abridged print editions. Regular updates bring you changes implemented by the Dewey editorial team almost as soon as they occur. WebDewey also offers additional functionality not available in the print editions to make your classification work more efficient.
The new WebDewey Group subscription year runs from January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014.
If your library is interested in subscribing to WebDewey, you will find Pricing information on the online WebDewey Order Form.
To see WebDewey in action, try the
WebDewey 2.0: an overview demo.
If you have any questions about these Dewey products or the Nebraska Group, please contact
Christa Burns, 402-471-3107, or 800-307-2665.
NOTE: OCLC Membership is NOT required to purchase Dewey products.