Police officers have been a part of Nebraska’s communities for a long time. Take a look at

Nebraska Memories to see some images of Nebraska’s police forces through the years. The uniforms worn by Lincoln’s officer in
1885 or
1920 are certainly a far cry from what we are familiar with today. Even in the

1940s, this
Omaha officer’s outfit looked fairly different from modern uniforms.

If you are interested in more than just fashion, for a slice of history pertaining to the Lincoln Police Department, check out the department’s
annual reports from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. These reports contain a wealth of information, including the number of personnel (and their monthly salaries), information about the duties of the various division and bureaus of the department, and information about the number of arrests made (and for what offenses), among other facts.
Nebraska Memories to search for or browse through many more historical images digitized from photographs, negatives, postcards, maps, lantern slides, books and other materials.
Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/nebraskamemories/participation.aspx for more information, or contact
Beth Goble, Historical Services Librarian, or
Devra Dragos, Technology & Access Services Director.