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Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study FY2012
Yes, it’s officially survey season again. The 2011-2012 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey is being released today (Sep. 6). This survey builds on data about library internet users that has been collected since 1994. This is an important and highly-regarded study that provides valuable information to policy makers, librarians, state library agencies and others who are working to promote and support technology in public libraries.
Some libraries have been pre-selected to be part of the sample and will be receiving invitations to contribute, but the survey is open to all and I strongly encourage libraries to participate. We need to have at least a 60% participation rate to obtain enough data for a state-level report, so please complete the survey. It’s shorter and less complex this year! It’s web-based and available at There is also a pdf version of the survey on the Library Commission website that can be helpful as a guide when filling out the online questionnaire.
This survey is a project of the American Library Association (ALA) and the Information Policy & Access Center in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.