It’s that time of year again – time to head back to school! Start your school year off right by exploring images of
schools and education in Nebraska Memories.

Start by viewing the exteriors of schools through the years. This photograph of a
schoolhouse in Sidney was taken in 1887, and it looks very different from this photograph of
Bancroft School in Lincoln, taken in the 1950s.
What would school buildings be without the classroom

activities inside them? This 1947
classroom at East Olive School in Butler County and this 1924
penmanship class at Bancroft Elementary School in Lincoln are just two examples of Nebraska classrooms.

In addition to classes, extracurricular activities are an important part of the school experience. Nebraska schools have had many interesting activities, including a
bird lovers’ club at McKinley School in Lincoln and the David City High School
men’s quartet.
Nebraska Memories to search for or browse through many more historical images digitized from photographs, negatives, postcards, maps, lantern slides, books and other materials.
Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information, or contact
Beth Goble, Government Information Services Director, or
Devra Dragos, Technology & Access Services Director.