Earlier this week I had the pleasure of traveling to the Nebraska panhandle. After returning from my trip I took a few minutes to explore the items included in Nebraska Memories from the panhandle region. This was easy to do using the
Browse by Location map. Looking at the map you can see that the state is divided into six regions. Clicking on a region will display all of the items in Nebraska Memories that have been identified as being from that specific region of the state.

I’d like to issue a challenge to everyone reading this blog post. Using the
Browse by Location map select a region of Nebraska and view all of the items from that region. As you are viewing the items make note of an item or two that catches your attention. When you are done return to this blog post and leave a comment sharing what region you selected and the title of the item or items that stood out to you.
I’ll get things started. I selected the panhandle region. Here are three different photos that caught my attention.
- Welcome sign, Crawford, NE – I liked this photo simply because it made me smile when I read it.
- Millinery Department of the Sidney Mercantile Company – The hats are beautiful and I’m sure the ladies who made them were proud to have their photo taken with them. Looking at the photo however all I can think is how happy I am that those hats are no longer in style because I’d hate to have to wear them.

- McNair Hardware – Look at the great rockers in this photo. I wonder if any of those rockers are still being used today.
If you’re up for the challenge use the
Browse by Location map to browse the Nebraska Memories collection and then leave a comment sharing the title(s) of the item(s) that caught your attention. I should warn you I found it hard to limit myself to only three items!
Nebraska Memories to search for or browse through many more historical images digitized from photographs, negatives, postcards, maps, lantern slides, books and other materials.
Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/nebraskamemories/participation.aspx for more information, or contact
Beth Goble, Government Information Services Director, or
Devra Dragos, Technology & Access Services Director.
I looked at the photos from the Southwest part of Nebraska.
My recommendations would be the pictures of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, Camp Atlanta, and Frank Brewster the flying doctor.
Looking at Nebraska Memories is like a mini Nebraska history lesson. Enjoy!
What a great idea for looking at Nebraska Memories in a different way! I chose to explore the Southwest region. One of the items that caught my eye was this photograph of a cheese-making party, an activity I am sure I will never have the chance to participate in! I also enjoyed looking at the outfits worn by these football fans.
Remember the scene from O Brother Where Art Thou (one of my favorite movies) with the church congregation dressed in white and Delmar being baptised in the river?
I browsed the North Central collection and came across these two postcard photographs of an adult baptism and a woman being baptised by the Reverend Primrose in the Cedar River. As I look at the photos I can hear the congregation singing that wonderful hymn “Down in the River to Pray”
The movie is humorous but also an homage to a time when events like these were more common and to the music they celebrated with. It was great to find these reminders that it happened in Nebraska too.
I chose to look at the north central section as my as I had relatives who lived at old Niobrara and have in-laws in Valentine.
That said, this was so much fun to look at the photos this way. I was fascinated by the photo of Charles and Virgina Trout as they are such a striking couple. The color postcard of Stinard Falls, Valentine, Neb. really caught my eye too.