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What Sally’s Reading
Día de los Niños / Día de los Libros
April 30 is traditionally the day to celebrate Día de los Niños / Día de los Libros! But choose a day that works for your patrons and your library. Some good information can be found on the page provided by ALSC (Association of Library Services for Children):
You could also visit Pat Mora’s page at where she tells about the history of Book Fiesta, which began as a song and became a book celebrating Día de los Niños and Día de los Libros. Pat Mora was instrumental in starting Día de los Libros and adding it to Día de los Niños.
Book Fiesta by Pat Mora, which I just finished reading, is a colorful romp noting all the ways and places children can read, including at the library! My favorite page is quite fanciful. The children are reading in a submarine. The submarine has arms that extent to the front and are holding a large book the children can read through the huge window. Light is provided by a deep sea type fish with an illuminated node on the end of a string-like projection from its head. Interesting creatures are swimming by, too. A perfect picture book for a day of celebration. (Preschool – grade 1)
The Nebraska Library Commission receives free copies of children’s and young adult books for review from a number of publishers. After review, the books are distributed free to Nebraska school and public libraries.
¡Ahorale! ¡Andale! ¡Un brindis al Día de los niños/Día de los libros!