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FREE Webinars in August!
TLT Group’s Second Annual Faculty Development Symposium (TLT)
August 4, 2:30 – 3:30 [CT]
Join us for our second Annual Faculty Development Symposium as we focus on how to support faculty improvements and innovations in teaching and learning (with technology) in higher education. Participants will exchange ideas and information about how to enable, encourage, and sustain faculty members as teachers. This is a FREE four-part series, so when you register online, please ignore the fee!
Intro to Blogging for Nonprofits and Libraries (TechSoup)
August 6, 1-2 pm [CT]
Is your organization looking to expand your reach and communicate more directly with your supporters and community? Are you considering starting a blog to help you do this? From considerations like which tool to use, how much staff time to commit, best practices, whether volunteers and interns should help, and how to launch your blog into the blogosphere, we’ll discuss all the basics of how to get started.
TLT Group’s Second Annual Faculty Development Symposium (TLT)
August 11, 2:30 – 3:30 [CT]
Join us for our second Annual Faculty Development Symposium as we focus on how to support faculty improvements and innovations in teaching and learning (with technology) in higher education. Participants will exchange ideas and information about how to enable, encourage, and sustain faculty members as teachers. This is a FREE four-part series, so when you register online, please ignore the fee!
OPALescence: A Free Online Conference for Everyone (OPAL)
August 13, 11 am-4 pm [CT]
Has your travel budget dried up? Still want that conference experience of fresh ideas, lively conversations, and networking with colleagues? Participate in OPALescence, a free online conference for everyone. We’re planning a series of interesting and informative presentations and discussions spread over a two-day period. Most programs will be located in the OPAL Auditorium: Please check the Schedule for more up to date information.
11-Noon The Future of User Experience in Libraries (Nate Bolt)
12-1 pm Librarians in Virtual Environments: From Classrooms to Communities (Alison Miller)
2-3 pm Collaboration 2.0 (Robin Hastings)
3-4 pm Using OPAL Effectively and Efficiently (Tom Peters)
OPALescence: A Free Online Conference for Everyone (OPAL)
August 14, 11 am-4 pm [CT]
Has your travel budget dried up? Still want that conference experience of fresh ideas, lively conversations, and networking with colleagues? Participate in OPALescence, a free online conference for everyone. We’re planning a series of interesting and informative presentations and discussions spread over a two-day period. Most programs will be located in the OPAL Auditorium: Please check the Schedule for more up to date information.
11-Noon Listening to the Future of Reading: Readers’ Advisory and Audio Books (Kaite Stover)
12-1 pm How American libraries are using Web 2.0 tools for marketing (Curtis Rogers)
2-3 pm Beyond the Basics: Training for Technological Fluency (Brenda Hough)
3-4 pm TBD
Returning the Researcher to the Library: Defining Web-Scale Discovery (Library Journal Webinar)
August 18, 1-2 pm [CT]
Join us for an insightful panel discussion that explores the emerging framework of web-scale discovery and what distinguishes the unified search index from existing library technologies. Expert panelists Marshall Breeding and Eric Lease Morgan will define the unified search index, as well as web-scale discovery – both their mechanics and their impact on library users. This intriguing discussion will examine the library’s new ally in taking back its role as the starting point for research and exposing the expanse of its content riches.
TLT Group’s Second Annual Faculty Development Symposium (TLT)
August 18, 2:30 – 3:30 [CT]
Join us for our second Annual Faculty Development Symposium as we focus on how to support faculty improvements and innovations in teaching and learning (with technology) in higher education. Participants will exchange ideas and information about how to enable, encourage, and sustain faculty members as teachers. This is a FREE four-part series, so when you register online, please ignore the fee!
Library Technology Policies (WebJunction Webinar)
August 26, 1-2 pm [CT]
Creating, maintaining and updating computer policies for your library can be a real challenge, with technologies and patron needs in a constant state of flux. Join presenters Rob Zschernitz, North Suburban Library System (IL) and Lecia Eubanks, Cherokee Regional Library (GA) for this free webinar, as they share examples of library policies from around the country and surface some of the trends, hot issues, and strategies for you to consider as you develop and update your library’s technology policies.
Mystery Book Buzz (Library Journal Webinar)
August 26, 1-2 pm [CT]
Join Library Journal for a 60-minute Mystery Book Buzz webcast sponsored by four leading publishers who will introduce the best of their Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 titles, as well as important midlist and back-in-print titles.
PHPartners (National Library of Medicine)
August 26, 2-3 pm [CT]
PHPartners. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region is presenting a new series of online classes. Once a month in 2009, liaisons will present information and exercises on various databases from the National Library of Medicine in an hour-long web conference. All classes are free and no registration is required. You will simply need 1) a computer with Internet access and 2) a phone (the system will call you – free of charge) Go to the Website on the day of class..
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