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FREE C.E. In the Comfort of Your Own Computer
Here’s some programs coming up. Remember to report your attendance for C.E. credit. That form (you know the one) is at: I’m really interested in what you think of the Webinars, so if you’d like to drop me an email after the program telling me what you think–was it worthwhile content? Was it easy to participate? Did you like the format and/or presenter? I’d like to hear from you.
Visual Design: Theory & Best Practices for Library Websites
10/7 1-2 P.M. (CT) WebJunction
Today, our users/patrons expect visually engaging and informative websites. The fonts, images, colors and styles of your web pages should support your mission, content, publicity and service goals. Join presenter Michael Leach as he highlights both theory and best practices that support a visually engaging website—what fonts should you choose; which styles work best for content presentation; what types of images and graphics convey information better; and how do colors influence users’ perceptions and use of a website. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Capturing Struggling and Reluctant Readers
10/8 1-2 P.M. (CT) Library Journal
This informative webcast will bring together a panel of experts in reading, media center services, and children’s literacy, including school librarians, educators, and a representative from Capstone Press and Stone Arch Books to cover a range of processes, programs, and ideas that can bolster reading skills, comprehension, and literacy in the K-6 library and classroom. Attendees will learn best practices to engage struggling and reluctant readers, discover multi-level reading resources for classroom and school library integration, and pick up techniques and programming ideas that will encourage the use of fiction and nonfiction. Time will be reserved for Q&A at the end of the webcast. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
TWO Goal Posts: Library & Community
10/9 1-2 P.M. (CT) WebJunction Rural Library Sustainability
WebJunction and The Association for Rural and Small Libraries presents a free hour-long webinar focused on a topic important to the work of sustaining Rural and Small libraries. Jim Connor and Ellen Miller will facilitate, and will be joined by another veteran trustee, Patricia Fisher. Find out why you need to keep your eyes on TWO goal posts—the library and the community. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Structures for Facilitating Faculty Teaching Other Faculty Members
10/10 1-2 P.M. (CT) TLT Webinar
Free webinar for academic librarians who work with faculty members. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Latinos and Public Library Perceptions
10/1414 1-2 P.M. (CT) WebJuntion Spanish Language Outreach
WebJunction, in partnership with the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute, recently published a research report detailing the results of a six-state telephone survey of over 2,860 adult Latinos completed in early 2008. Learn about the findings and implications of the study from WebJunction’s Laura Staley and researchers from TRPI. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Conflict in a Peaceful Library
10/15 1-2 P.M. (CT) WebJunction
Conflict happens! Many of us try to avoid it, some fight with it, some seem to enjoy it and still others seem to handle it with tact and skill. What’s the secret to effectively handling situations of conflict? How can we de-emotionalize ourselves to the situations so that we don’t get caught up in them? Join Andrew Sanderbeck as he explores our dealings with others in the library by defining the conflict situation and using one of three approaches to successfully handle or resolve it. If you don’t like to be yelled at by other people, you’ll really enjoy this fun and interactive webinar. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Get Your Game On
10/16 1-1:30 P.M. (CT) (MaintainIT Cookbook Webinar)
Join Lori Reed for “Get Your Game On: Quick Tips to Start a Gaming Program in Your Library”. Lori is Employee Learning Coordinator at the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg, will lead this fast-paced and interactive session introducing the idea of gaming programs in libraries. Hear what others have done, share your experiences, and think about what you might want to do in the future. Take 30 minutes out of your day to learn from the experiences of others and get something started. This is a part of the MaintainIT Cookbook webinar series where contributors to the Cookbooks share their insights, their secrets, and what you can do to get started with projects like theirs. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Refugees 101
10/23 1-2 P.M. (CT) WebJunction
In 1975 the United States began accepting large numbers of refugees in response to the Fall of Saigon. Over the next 33 years approximately 2.6 million refugees have been resettled in this country, and many of these individuals are now using our libraries. Join Valerie Wonder, Immigrant & Refugee Programs Manager at Seattle Public Library (WA) and Homa Naficy Manager of Multicultural Education and Outreach Services at Hartford Public Library (CT) as they provide an overview of refugee resettlement in the United States including information on recent refugee populations. She will also highlight some successful approaches to serving refugees in public libraries. Before working for SPL, Valerie was the Community Programs Manager for the International Rescue Committee’s Seattle office where she specialized in refugee services. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Cooperation for the Collection: Integrating ILL and Acquisitions Workflows
10/ 24 3-4:30 P.M. (CT) BCR
As budgets get tighter and users more savvy, many libraries are blurring the line between resource sharing and collection development by purchasing items requested on interlibrary loan rather than requesting them through traditional resource sharing models. In this Free Friday Forum, we will host a panel of librarians who currently have programs based on this model. Panelists will discuss the costs and benefits of and their experience with purchase-on-demand programs. The session will also have time for questions from the attendees. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
“Challenging the Assumptions of Legacy Librarianship” with Joan Frye Williams and George Needham
11/19 10:00-11:00 A.M. OPAL
In this updated version of their PLA presentation, library consultant Joan Frye Williams and OCLC Vice-President George Needham will take a humorous, no-holds-barred look at recent data that challenge traditional library thinking, and will offer some surprising suggestions for re-imagining the library. Participants will learn about:
• The most recent OCLC-commissioned research findings about social networking and library advocacy.
• Suggestions about which library services align well with emerging customer requirements, and which services might need to be discontinued or changed.
• Successful new service models, with practical implementation tips.
This webinar is designed for librarians, public service and branch staff, library workers with customer service responsibilities, friends, trustees and commissioners, plus anyone with both a connection to the library community and a sense of humor. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Thanks to Jamie Marcus of the Wyoming State Library for originally compiling this list and generously sharing it.
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