Have you been wanting to try out an online social network but have been leery of sites like MySpace (too messy and for kids) or Facebook (way too many things to get distracted by)? Well, why not try out the new version of
WebJunction, the online social networking community designed by librarians for librarians.
Just visit
http://www.webjunction.org/ and sign up for an account or log in with the account you’ve created in the past. Be sure to fill out your profile information (look for the “edit profile” link) and you’re all set to go.
After that, your first assignment is to join the
Nebraska Librarians group that the Commission has created as a result of yesterday’s NEBASE Annual Meeting. Once you’ve joined our group you can start or contribute to a conversation and/or upload documents that you’d like to share with others. Got a question you’d like answered? Post it here and get the benefit of the knowledge and experience of librarians from across the state.
There’s just a few of us that are members to start, but join in and pass the word. Let’s show other WebJunction users just how professional and social we here in Nebraska can be!
As you are exploring WebJunction, you may notice some things that don’t work exactly as you expected them to – you may encounter broken links or other various bugs. As with any huge change, there are still some issues that the WebJunction staff need to work on. If you find anything that seems a little off to you, or if you have any suggestions for additions or changes to the site,
let them know!
You can learn more about how the new WebJunction is doing on the
WebJunction Blog.