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We are nearing our 1000th question answered and posted on the Library Commission’s Twitter account. We usually only post the questions, and sometimes people wonder what the answer is! Here is an interesting question we got today AND the answer.
“Are there still NebGuides on diseases, etc. of plants? I do know that the Extension agents used to have them”
Answer: “Current Nebguides are posted on the IANR web site and can be found by searching their catalog. E.g. try a search on raspberries and you get a nebguide on growing them. You can also browse the IANR catalog. From the browse part on the left click on the word ‘moreā¦’ There is a heading for plant diseases that brings up a bunch of them.
We also have quite a few of them in our collection for loan, and link to the online versions from our online catalog. Try a search in our catalog on raspberries and you get a link to the same publication.
Got a question? Email or chat with us from our Ask a Libarian pages