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For Dummies® 2008 Library Display Contest
This post was written by guest blogger Susan Franklin of Hastings College Perkins Library.
Hastings College Perkins Library created an entry for the For Dummies® 2008 Library Display Contest. Wiley, publishers of the For Dummies® series, provided a display kit, which included balloons, die-cut hangers, inflatable cubes, and a drawstring bag. Our student assistants and staff added our For Dummies® collection of books, creativity, and cleverness to make the contest theme “For Dummies® Makes Life Easier” spring to life. The theme is carried out by contrasting the books with our Student Association President John Striebel demonstrating the dummy version of each topic. For example, he is pictured writing on a baby using a Sharpie to illustrate his need for the Baby Signing for Dummies book and he is striking the classic Heisman pose for the Fantasy Football for Dummies title . The display is called “For Dummies® Makes Life Easier (even if you’re not a dummy!)” The first folks to view the yellow-and-black eye-catching display received logo-ed giveaways: bookmarks, Sweets for Dummies candies, and lanyards. We’re striving for the grand prize, which will gain our library 50 more For Dummies® titles and a pizza party for the display creators!
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