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Book Club Kits Wiki
We love book clubs! We belong to book clubs and we promote book clubs. Do you have book club kits that you’d be willing to lend to other libraries across Nebraska? Add your holdings, guidelines, and contact information to our book club wiki! The beauty of the wiki is that you can add your information in the form and style that you like. Here’s the address for the Nebraska Book Club Wiki: Take a look and please consider sharing your book club kits or borrowing new titles for your own club.
If you don’t have book club kits to share you can still take advantage of borrowing these book club kits from others. Perhaps you could start a book club if you don’t have one now. By using these collections already assembled, you can have years of programming!
If you’d like to add your holdings please contact us at the Nebraska Library Commission by going here: and we’ll send you the password. We’ll also answer any questions about adding your holdings to the wiki.
We’d also like your feedback on what you think of this idea and of the wiki. You can leave comments while viewing the wiki by scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on “Contact wiki owner” in the “Wiki Information” section. Thanks!
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