Introduction to WorldCat – What is it and how can it help me do my job?
OCLC’s WorldCat database is an essential tool of librarians around the world. If you’re not a regular user of WorldCat through FirstSearch and aren’t familiar with its value, then this session is for you. If you view it you will learn how to:
- Search for a known item (e.g., perform an author/title search)
- Limit a search to just juvenile (or non-juvenile) material
- Limit a search to just fiction (or non-fiction) material
- Limit a search by document type
- Identify nearby libraries that own items of interest
- Search for books on a particular topic (e.g., perform a subject search)
Special emphasis will be placed on using WorldCat to identify items to purchase or request through interlibrary loan to meet patrons’ information needs.
Presented by Susan Knisely on 01 June 2007
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