Entries for the 25th annual Nebraska Book Awards are now being accepted!
The competition is open to Nebraska authors, Nebraska publishers, and other authors or publishers of books set in or relating to Nebraska. Books published in 2023, as indicated by the copyright date, are eligible for nomination in 2024. They must be professionally published, have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), and be bound.
You can submit a book to be entered in one or more of the following categories: Children/Young Adult, Cover/Design/Illustration, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry. Certificates will be awarded to the winners in each category, and they will be invited out to participate as featured authors at the October 12th, 2024 Nebraska Celebration of Books in Lincoln. The event will culminate in an awards ceremony for the authors, publishers, and their families, where winning books will be displayed and authors will have the opportunity to read from and sign their books.
The entry fee is $40 per book and per category entered. Deadline for entries is May 31, 2024. For more information, including entry forms, see: http://www.centerforthebook.nebraska.gov/awards/nebookawards.htm
Interested in learning more about previous winners? You can find a complete list of information on all 25 years of Nebraska Book Award winners, including the title, author, publisher, and category won, here: https://centerforthebook.nebraska.gov/awards/winners/nebook.html
To see a list of previous submissions made to enter the Nebraska Book Awards, you can see the records from 2010-2023 here: https://centerforthebook.nebraska.gov/awards/nebookawards.html#submissions