Tag Archives: Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles: Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques and Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration

New Nebraska Book Available on BARD!

Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles: Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques and Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration” by Nebraska author Roger Welsch is now available on cartridge and for download on BARD,

the Braille and Audio Reading Download service. BARD is a service offered by the Nebraska Library Commission Talking Book and Braille Service and the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled at the Library of Congress.

The sequel to “Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them”, author Roger Welsch revisits his favorite pastime, tinkering with beat up tractors. The book follows the rescue of a scrap yard refugee Allis-Chalmers WC tractor; a journey that pulls Welsch deep into a bottomless morass of broken bolts, smashed fingers and frozen pistons.

TBBS borrowers can request “Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles: Norwegian Torque Wrench Techniques and Other Fine Points of Tractor Restoration” DBC02211 or download it from the National Library Service BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) website. If you have high-speed internet access, you can download books to your smartphone or tablet, or onto a flash drive for use with your player. You may also contact your reader’s advisor to have the book mailed to you on cartridge.

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