Learn how to overcome our feelings of inadequacy by ‘Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Leading with Radical Acceptance’ on next week’s NCompass Live webinar on Wednesday, May 11 at 10am CT.
For many of us, feelings of falling short are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much – hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake – to make us feel that we are not okay. Learn how to lead with Radical Acceptance by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses with compassion and accepting situations that are outside our control. Radical Acceptance doesn’t mean that we are non-reactive to challenges. Instead, we can use that acceptance to overcome challenges and become more self-aware. This session will teach how to radically accept what comes in our lives so we can overcome our feelings of inadequacy. Regardless of your position at your library, you can learn to lead and overcome.
Presenter: Patrick Bodily, Library Manager, Independence Public Library, OR.
Upcoming NCompass Live shows:
- May 18 – Digital Literacy Training for Seniors – sponsored by the Nebraska State Unit on Aging
- May 25 – Pretty Sweet Tech: Computers in Libraries 2022
- June 1 – The Heartland Honors 9/11 Victims and Survivors
- June 8 – Policies of Yes
- June 15 – CES 2022 and Libraries
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.