“An owl called, its shuddering hoots repeating mournfully in the distance. Somewhere nearby, heavy wings swooped and a young rabbit, captured by sharp talons, shrieked as he was lifted to his doom. Startled, a raccoon looked up with bright eyes from the place where he was foraging. Two deer moved in tandem through a meadow. A thin cloud slid across the moon.”
I’ve always loved the way Lois Lowry writes. To me, it’s almost lyrical, and the vocabulary she chooses always makes me smile.
#BookFace this week is “Gossamer
” by Lois Lowry (Yearling, 2008). This book is a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection, and would be a fantastic choice for any book club!
“Lowry’s prose is simple and clear. This carefully plotted fantasy has inner logic and conviction. Readers will identify with Littlest, who is discovering her own special talents. . . . A beautiful novel with an intriguing premise.”–School Library Journal, Starred
This week’s
#BookFace model is NLC’s Director of Library Development, Christa Porter!
Love this
#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
LOVE bookface!!!! please keep it up!!