For Someone Who Needs Talking Books, You Can Make It Easy!

During 2009 NLA/NEMA conference, we enjoying visiting with you at the Nebraska Library Commission booth. We especially enjoyed showing off the talking books on cartridge and the new digital player. Talking books are a wonderful, liberating resource for someone who struggles with regular print because of visual or physical impairment. But at the same time, talking books frequently enter someone’s life at a point where they are trying to come to terms with macular degeneration, stroke, glaucoma, or some other unwelcome disability. They may feel a deep personal lose and have a hard time accepting that talking book service is a gain. The good new is: you can make it easy for someone who needs to transition to talking books! A librarian can sign the application form for an individual who qualifies because of visual or physical disability–someone who cannot see regular print or hold a book or turn its pages. It is only reading disability, such as dyslexia, that requires a medical doctor’s signature. Sometimes a prospective talking book reader has no problem taking an application to an optometrist, or a nurse, or a family doctor. But sometimes, in the midst of a suddenly complicated life, a prospective reader struggles with the logistics of obtaining the signature of a medical professional. So please remember that your signature on a talking book application form is pure gold to someone who needs talking books. If you need a supply of application forms, please let us know. If you would like some of our new rack cards, let us know that as well. E-mail. Toll-free: 800-742-7691.
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