Do you feel like your NebraskAccess database-searching skills are getting rusty? Or maybe you’re new to the Nebraska library world and haven’t had a chance to dip into the databases yet? If either scenario sounds familiar, you might want to check out our NEW short training videos. Ten videos are available so far. The shortest video is just under three minutes and the longest is just over fifteen.
Links to these new training videos appear on the
Librarian’s Toolbox: Help page:

Links to individual videos also appear on database-specific “About” pages. On the
Databases Available to Nebraskans page, click on the question mark icon to the right of a database logo/annotation to access the “About” page for that database:

If we’ve created a training video for that database, it will appear in the “Help Resources from the Nebraska Library Commission Staff” section of that database’s “About” page:

We hope the information and search examples included in these videos will give you an extra boost of confidence when searching and promoting the NebraskAccess databases. Let us know what you think!